Monday, August 23, 2010

Our Puto!

Brogan.....I am so sad you had to kept me sane! I had the best summer of my life because of you! Thank you for just being you and letting me be helped me through so much! Thank you, thank you for making Blayke laugh......thank you for LISTENING......thank you for making me Laugh....thank you for being my best friend! Blayke & I love you so much!
We took like 15 eyes were closed in everyone! ha ha ?????

This is her favorite thing in the world!!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ummm.....can I just say YUMMMMIEEEEE!!

Family....I miss them!!!

No single girl out there is worthy of this fine young man!

wow....this one needs to happen more often!

Seriously....what is wrong with him?????

She loves her JJ!

The Man that pretty much created these THINGS wouldn't participate in our toe fest! Bet ya can't guess which ones are mine?!!!! Ha ha!

Jasmine totally picture bombed us!...nice one!

I just couldn't get enough of her!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Teton Tourist!!!

I haven't had a picture of myself with the tetons behind me in ages! It was so fun being a tourist in the J Hole!

This last year has been the most painful and emotional ride of my life! Blayke & I are so lucky to have family like this!!!! Dad, Mom, Tiffany, Tyler, Jill, Tasha, John, Brogan, Jasmine, Afton, Ross & Renee.....thank you for the conversation, advise, cocktails, late nights of talking in circles, good food, the best popcorn ever, spying, babysitting, drive-byes, the money, free rent, just laying next to me, long phone calls, internet searching, dr. visits, sleep overs, laughs, just crying with me, all the time you have taken out of your own lives....and most of all being here for Blayke!
I love you!

alpine slide!!!!