Donnie came to the rescue of a Mother and Daughter in a volzwagon jetta that had hit a Big Bull Elk! Scary....the mother and daughter walked away from the crash, thankfully! It had caved in the front window and top half of the car! After getting the girls into a safe place he needed to put the Bull out of its misery! Well, not so easy....a "Rich dude" as Donnie calls him in shorts (we all know what donnie thinks about shorts in the first place) and Cloudveil coat decided that Donnie was a terrible person to be doing this and he wasn't helping! Not off to a good start! He didn't have his gun in his sad to say he had to use his pocket knife and really needed the Rich dude to help! There were a few ,not so nice, words exchanged and before you know it Rich dude was struggling and grunting to keep the horns from hurting donnie while he put him to rest! All in All lucky that the girls walked away from a terrible accident....the bull had scabbies in the end and wouldn't have made it long.....and the Rich Dude will probably never come back to Jackson again but has one Crazy story to tell!
Had to share the photos!
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